The Heat Vacuum

Last time I started addressing some of the recent criticism I’ve heard from other so-called ‘superstars’ outside the CSWA. While Ruben Ross’s comments might be chalked up to simple trash talking against Eli Flair, Eron’s latest comments might be chalked up to the ‘pain’ in his so-called injured leg.

Normally I’d feel sorry for a man who has delusions of grandeur, but in his case, Eron’s clearly been his own best hype machine for years.

In his latest rant, he declares that the CSWA is full of has-beens, rip off gimmicks, etc. I suppose he’s forgotten that the CSWA has been the home base and proving ground for guys that have been major stars in Eron’s beloved fWo.

Well, I say it’s his ‘beloved,’ then again from the rumor mill back in 1999, the fWo had nothing but trouble with Eron, whose self-admitted claim to fame was walking out of a match to cost a main eventer the fWo World Title. Eron admits he’s rusty in the ring, that the moment that made him in wrestling was from quitting, and then proceeds to run down Eli Flair’s wrestling style.

I’d use that ‘pot’ comment again, but I wouldn’t want to be accused of rehashing old comments. Then again, I guess Eron was the first wrestler to ever cost another the World Title, right? See the second IRONMAN of CHAMPIONS, then get back to me, ok?

Eron claims to be a ‘mega-heel,’ not because of his wrestling talent, but because of the reaction he gets from the crowd… yeah, those same crowds he says are waning now, even with him in the lineup.

Let me address you directly for a few moments, oh great awesome heel of the century. You've mistaken being hated for having good heel heat. People boo you because they dislike seeing you. You can't even put butts in the seats to see you get the snot beaten out of you, because they simply don't care.

You are a heat vacuum. The King of Sucking Heat. When heat-seeking missiles are fired at you, they hit each other in confusion, ‘cause they can't find it.

If you're as good as you say you are, the fWo never would've let you go in the first place back in 2000. If you're a huge draw, the other organizations you've worked in wouldn't have shut down in under a year. Most importantly, if you were half as good as you think you are, you would've had a high-dollar contract from me hand-delivered to you years ago.

You can say all you want to about Ivy; that's part of the sport. You can hype yourself and fly yourself on a flagpole; that's all part of your act. But when you start hating on my company, on my fifteen years of work, then we've got problems. Where did the CWL go when they needs
talent? To Kevin Powers, to Eli Flair, to Apocalypse...and several others who didn't join up. Where did the fWo go when they needed new blood and a new drawing card? They went to Eli Flair and Poison Ivy, and to “Triple X” Sean Stevens. Where did the WWR go when they wanted to pop a rating? They called me and asked for Hornet. Where did the upstart IOW go to try and pull in a top tag team? They called The Dark Carnival.

You can say whatever you want to about our schedule. Fact is, after years of being on the road 300-plus days a year, we got big enough where we could sign major TV deals and not have to keep guys away from their families 80% of the year. You've certainly never worked for a company who could say that. Of course, you've never worked 300 dates a year, either, cause you're too busy faking a knee injury because you didn't get the spot you wanted, or the 'angle' you called for, or the right opponent who would lay down for you.

What you can't talk junk about is our talent. Every champion on the CSWA roster could run you into the ground. Every man who has EVER held the CSWA World Championship could not only pin you in under ten minutes, but cut a promo on you that would have you running from the arena crying. Every top tier athlete and mid-carder in my company could step into a ring and make your current knee injury look like a stubbed toe.

More importantly, Eron, I've got staff and talent who could even get you heat. Of course, so can the folks over the fWo. They're talented and capable enough to do it. The $64,000 question is: do they want to? Do they want to invest TV time, effort and money into the heat universe's black hole?

Eli Flair and Poison Ivy have stepped up and offered to work with you, apparently. Lord knows why, cause I certainly don’t. Maybe he’s sees getting you over as a challenge. Maybe the powers-that-be in the fWo aren’t quite ready to put the World Title on him just yet. But after your program’s done, after a program when Flair and Ivy are successful in helping you actually build heat, after the program’s over and you’ve sunk back into the abyss of your heat-less black hole… Then come back to me and tell me about CSWA ‘has-beens.’

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