Chapter View


Setting the Bar

No Shot

This Is The Beginning

Would'a Could'a Should'a

The Big Man on Campus

And STILL Spelling Bee Champeen of the World

Writing on the Wall

Prelude to CSWA PRIMETIME in Chapel Hill

As VERSUS host John Simons goes through the motions, recording his intros to the various clips of interviews and segments from the participants at the upcoming PRIMETIME in Chapel Hill, he has only one thought.

"I can't believe I still have a job."

He knows he's just a pretty face that can actually read a teleprompter intelligently. He thought doing play-by-play for one of the GOLD RUSH rings at ANNIVERSARY was going to be his first and last time, but shock of shocks, Thomas decided to get excited and keep his personal playground running.

Little does John know that as he reads the teleprompter with no flubs on take number three and finishes up, that the Hacker is as close as he's ever been. And he's only got one thought on his mind as well.


With both of them so focused, and technical wizard Marvin Parsons out of the picture, it's no wonder that John doesn't notice as he transmits the footage for VERSUS and some cuts for PRIMETIME that it's requests the transmission codes twice... once for the transmission, and once for a more sinister reason...

CSWA PRIMETIME in Chapel Hill features:

  • UNIFIED Champion Dan Ryan vs. Eron the Relentless
  • Champion's Challenge Tag Match: US Champion Kin Hiroshi and Presidential Champion Cameron Cruise vs. JJ DeVille and Bobby Karma
  • Greensboro Championship: Kevin Watson defends against S.A.T.
  • Hornet vs. Nova
  • Lawrence Stanley vs. Troy Douglas